
Journal Publications

  • Deepak Prajapati, Sobhan Shafiei, Debasis Kundu and Ahad Jamalizadeh, “Geometric scale mixtures of normal distribution”, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 2025, IF - 1.400, (to appear).
  • Satya Prakash Singh and Deepak Prajapati, “Bayesian optimal design for 2x2 binary crossover trials using copula”, Computational Statistics, 2025, IF - 1.000, (to appear).
  • Neeraj Poonia, Deepak Prajapati and Sarita Azad, “The Bivariate Exponentiated Additive Weibull Distribution and its Multivariate Extension with Applications”, Computers & Industrial Engineering, Volume 188, 109886, 2024, IF - 7.900.
  • Deepak Prajapati, Shuvashree Mondal and Debasis Kundu, “Two Sample Bayesian Acceptance Sampling Plan”, Annals of Operations Research, Volume 340, pages 425–449, 2024, IF - 4.854.
  • Deepak Prajapati, Ayan Pal and Debasis Kundu “A Finite Mixture Model for Multiple Dependent Competing Risks with Applications of Automotive Warranty Claim Data”, Statistics and Computing, Volume 34, article number 19, 2024, IF - 2.200.
  • Deepak Prajapati and Debasis Kundu “Bayesian Acceptance Sampling Plan for Simple Step-Stress Model”, Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 2023, IF - 1.162, (to appear).
  • Ayan Pal and Deepak Prajapati “Mixture Model for Dependent Competing Risks Data and Application for Diabetic Retinopathy Treatment”, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 514-527, vol. 113, 2023, IF - 5.336.
  • Deepak Prajapati, Sharmishtha Mitra, Debasis Kundu, and Ayan Pal “Optimal Bayesian Sampling Plan for Competing Risks Data”, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 775-799, vol. 93(5), 2023, IF - 1.225.
  • Deepak Prajapati, Sharmishtha Mitra and Debasis Kundu, “Bayesian Sampling Plan for the Exponential Distribution with Generalized Type - I Hybrid Censoring Scheme”, Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice, 5, 17, 2023, IF - 0.600.
  • Deepak Prajapati, Man Ho Ling, Ping Shing Chan, and Debasis Kundu, “Misspecification of Copula for One-Shot Devices under Constant Stress Accelerated Life-Tests”, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability, 2022, IF - 2.100.
  • Deepak Prajapati, Sharmishtha Mitra and Debasis Kundu, “Bayesian Sampling Plan for the Exponential Distribution with Generalized Type - II Hybrid Censoring Scheme”, Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, 2021, IF - 1.162.
  • Deepak Prajapati, Shuvashree Mondal and Debasis Kundu, “Optimal decision-theoretic sampling plan for two exponential distributions under joint censoring scheme”, Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 560-576, vol. 37, 2021, IF - 1.497.
  • Deepak Prajapati, Sharmishtha Mitra and Debasis Kundu, “A New Decision Theoretic Sampling Plan for Exponential Distribution under Type-I Censoring”, Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, 453-471, vol. 49, no. 2, 2020, IF - 1.162.
  • Deepak Prajapati, Sharmishtha Mitra and Debasis Kundu, “A New Decision Theoretic Sampling Plan for Type-I and Type-I Hybrid Censored Samples from the Exponential Distribution”, Sankhya, Ser. B., 251-288, vol. 81-B, Part 2, 2019, IF - 0.569.

Book Chapters

  • Debasis Kundu and Deepak Prajapati “Symmetric Geometric Skew Normal Regression Model ” Springer Handbook of Engineering Statistics, Editor: Hoang Pham, Springer, 2022.
  • Deepak Prajapati, Sharmishtha Mitra and Debasis Kundu, “Decision theoretic sampling plan for one-parameter exponential distribution under type-I and type-I hybrid censoring schemes” Statistical Quality Technologies: Theory and Practice, Eds: Yuhlong Lio, Hon Keung Tony Ng, Tzong-Ru Tsai and Ding-Geng Chen, pp. 183-210, Springer, 2019.

Articles Presented at Conferences, Workshops and Seminar Series

  • Eleventh International Calcutta Triennial Symposium on Probability and Statistics’ 24
    (Department of Statistics, University of Calcutta and Calcutta Statistical Association, 27th -30th December, 2024)
    Invited Speaker on “Bayesian Acceptance Sampling Plan for Simple Step-Stress Model”.

  • Eastern Asia Chapter of International Society for Bayesian Analysis Conferences (EAC ISBA conference)’ 24
    (The Education University of Hong Kong, 25th -26th June, 2024)
    Invited Speaker on “Two Sample Bayesian Acceptance Sampling Plan”.

  • Mathematics Seminar Series Winter’ 23
    (Department of Mathematics, IIIT Delhi, 17th February, 2023)
    Invited Speaker on “Bayesian Sampling Plans under Different Censoring Schemes”.

  • International Conference on Statistics, Probability, Data Science and Related Areas’ 23
    (Department of Statistics, Cochin University of Science and Technology & Indian Society for Probability and Statistics, 04th-06th January, 2023)
    Invited Speaker on “Misspecification of copula for one-shot devices under constant stress accelerated life-tests”.

  • International Virtual Conference on Advanced Statistical Techniques in Business and Industry’ 20
    (Department of Statistics, Cochin University of Science and Technology, 28-30 December, 2020)
    Delivered a talk on “Bayesian Sampling Plan for the Exponential Distribution based on Generalized Type-I Hybrid Censoring Scheme”.

  • National Workshop on Reliability Theory and Survival Analysis’ 19
    (Department of Statistics Pondicherry University, 11-13 December, 2019)
    Delivered a talk on “Bayesian Sampling Plan for the Exponential Distribution based on Generalized Type-I Hybrid Censoring Scheme”.

  • International Workshop on Reliability Theory and Survival Analysis’ 18
    (Indian Statistical Institute Bangalore, 28-30 November, 2018)
    Delivered a talk on “A new decision theoretic sampling plan for Type-I and Type-II hybrid censored samples from the exponential distribution”.

  • International Workshop on Reliability Theory and Survival Analysis’ 16
    (Department of Statistics Pune University , November 3-5, 2016)
    Delivered a talk on “ Decision theoretic sampling plan for Exponential distribution under Type-I censoring”.